Wednesday, August 22, 2007

LOOKING BACK available in only a few days!

The past few weeks have been sheer torture waiting for the new book to be published. The first copy of the book is finally on its way to me, and hopefully I'll have it in my hands in a couple of days. After I review the first copy, it's simply a matter of me letting the publisher know to go ahead and release the book to the public. At that time I'll post on this site, and let those who have already contacted me know by email, how you can get your own copy.

A brochure is available for anyone who wants a copy. Email me at Please send your address so I can mail it -- or I've saved in it MS Word and can send it by email if you prefer.

Never one to sit by idly waiting for time to pass, I've already started on a sequel to the book, tentatively titled: Looking Back at the Way We Were. This will be more of a nostalgic view of the boomer's years, but will also feature essays that contain references to history and how it affected individual lives and the times. If you're interested in being a part of this new book, please contact me at the above email address so I can get a list started and email you the guidelines.

Thanks to everyone who helped me with Looking Back: Boomers Remember History. Without you, it might have become simply another boring history book!

Friday, August 3, 2007

Update on book, LOOKING BACK

Here's an update on the book, Looking Back. The proof has been approved by me, and is ready to be printed. The cover, which is absolutely beautiful by the way, has been approved by me. So now, it's just a matter of waiting for it to be printed and get into my hands.

For those who are anxiously awaiting it's release, it shouldn't be long now depending on how many jobs the printer has going. Watch for the notice here, and I'll email those who have requested an immediate heads up.

This was without a doubt the most exciting book I've worked on. I learned so much that I didn't know, or knew too little about before researching the book. Some of my opinions were changed by facts uncovered during my research. And some were reinforced.

We've lived through some terrible, tragic, and exciting moments since the '40s, and our lives have changed tremendously over the years (and not only from growing older). I write about drive-in movies, which was my generation's favorite way to watch a flick. I recall the horrors of the polio epidemic, when parents didn't allow their children to go swimming in public pools, or anywhere among crowds!

There are those memories and so many more that readers will eagerly recall. Younger readers will learn so much about their parents' and grandparents' generations and actions that paved their way and changed the world, sometimes for the better, sometimes not. Still, the experiences recalled in the book made an impact on society that will last for a long time.

Stories by 19 contributors help make this book a must-read for anyone who loves history, or anyone who hates it and wants a reason to love it. This is history as seen and lived by the book's contributors and me. We survived wars, assassinations, the counterculture, and politics. It's been an exciting ride!